Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011. Hmm.

For me 2011 was kind of a wash of a year. Just there. Kind of like being 24. Not great, not terrible, just there. I started my second bachelors degree program, said goodbye to my dear Nellie, went to Boston form St. Patty's day, New Orleans for Mardi Gras, and Tampa for the first time. I got my CEN certification, saw my baby sister get married, fell even more in love with my nephew, and laughed a lot. Oh did I laugh. And I cried. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. Sometimes lone tears and sometimes therapeutic heaving sobs on the couch. Strong emotion of any sort will elicit one of two responses if not both from me. Tears or vomit. Sometimes one leads to another.  I worried about my family, I worried about me, and I made things happen. I can't say that I've completed operation find myself yet, but I can say that I've made progress. I've read a lot, I've listened a lot, I've written a lot, and I've loved a lot.  I think that one thing I'd like to resolve to work more on this year is being kind. First of all to myself, and then to others whom it is not easy to be kind to.  

Why is it that we villianize people? Have you ever thought about that? Why is it easier to make someone a bad person if you don't like them?  Why is it so hard to realize that  it is possible for someone to be a truly good person, and be no good for you at the same time. Why do we live in a society of "or" and "but?"  I think I'll work on replacing "but" with and. Few truths are mutually exclusive. Isn't that an interesting discovery about growing up? It's not "you want this to happen, but I want this to happen" it's "you want this to happen and I want this to happen." Do you see the difference? Two truths. Perhaps in complete opposition, but truths none the less.  Not, I'm pretty but I'm overweight, I'm pretty and I'm overweight. There's such a keen difference!  And it's okay for both sides to be true. Kind of an interesting philosophical ponderance :)  It's gonna be a great year!!  Also up this year are Phoenix, Georgia, NYC, Greece, graduation, and Portugal... Yay :)

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