Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quick Catch-up

Hi all!! So... I'm working on figuring out how this business of working 40 hours a week and going to school thing is going to work. And I've been busy getting wedding stuff done for my sister who's getting married this weekend :)  But I'm going to be better about keeping on top of my blogging world. Which is why I'm posting updates for the last week before the actual wedding postings begin.  But my goodness it is nice to be back home in UT with the beautiful blue skies and sunshine.  And my family is great too :)  In fact, I spent the whole morning with my sweet nephew and sisters at the pool.  Good times!  And isn't he just a doll?!

So, school. School was good. It's going to take a lot of remembering how to sit for extended periods of time. My first class is a critical thinking in nursing class, and I'm also taking a health topics class on healthcare and immigration. Both should be interesting, and I can already tell that I'm going to love my critical thinking teacher. The other going to take some work, but the class should be interesting.  I've already written my first two assignments, and I've found that slipping back into professional writing was quite seamless --thank goodness, because there will be much more to come.  We got to do papers on our personality tests that we took, and that was a fun bit of introspective learning. I was a tie between the 'teacher' and 'counselor.' Both are less than 2% of the population, so I'm a rare gem indeed ;)  I agreed with most of the assessments, about how people are my main focus and how I like to get the best from people and I tend to idealize life and relationships ...if they had any idea! But it's been fun so far, and I can't wait to keep going and learning.  That's what I miss more so than anything. I love the learning. I love the University atmosphere. I love the opportunity and the spirit of limitless skies that surrounds it.  I'm missing my second day of class (we only go one day a week) in light of the upcoming wedding festivities, but I'll have a collection of homework to do in the meantime. Until then, I'm excited for nest week!!

1 comment:

Kaylia Payne said...

Wow, it sounds like you have been a very busy lady indeed!!! I'm glad you're enjoying your classes :) Can't wait to read the wedding posts, how exciting!!!