Saturday, March 13, 2010


I feel like shit. What a crappy day. Sometimes life just sucks. And sometimes I just suck at life. The good news is, only a few more hours till I can take a unisom and some benadryl and go to bed. Tomorrow's a new day. Maybe better, maybe worse, maybe the same. But today I'm going to stay inside, by myself, in my pajamas, and sulk. One of my best girls ...and most wise ...recently quoted Paulo Coelho, "Don't allow your wounds to turn you into a person you are not." I am not the bitter hurt lost little kicked puppy I've become. So today I'm going to sit. With just myself (because I'm so whiny I don't even want to be around myself --best to not subject anyone else to that). And I'm going to pout and sulk and wallow in my misery. Because I want to. And I deserve today. And however long it takes for me to feel these feelings out. It might be a while. I feel like shit. What a crappy day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Tony, I hate those days. I'm sorry! I hope your visit to DC was perfect and I'm so sorry that I had no idea you were coming and that I had to leave on a transport. I miss you tons and think you are just great!