Thursday, April 10, 2008

Quick update...

So the elevator company was able to retrieve my keys from the depths of the elevator shaft in time for me to go to work, I was stuck in triage for 6 of the 8 hours --which reminds me --if you are a parent and you bring your child to the emergency room for a fever (104 in this case) without giving them tylenol and motrin (why would you do this? Do you want your child to have a seizure? Do you?) and we give them said medicines in triage, it does not mean that you should leave when their fever breaks in the waiting room. This is what happens when you properly medicate your child --their fever will go down, and they will start acting more like themselves! Ah, the marvels of modern medicine. This does not however mean that your child is not sick. If you decide to leave AMA before we have evaluated your child, that is your decision. A stupid one, but your decision none the less. We will also be more than happy to rush your child through triage when you bring them back in 5 hours when the temp is back to 105, and your child is breathing at a rate of 50 breaths per minute with retractions and nasal flaring. We will also lecture you sternly on how to make better decisions regarding your child's health in the future.

Anyway, I made it through triage and 2 hours of a trauma assignment --thank goodness for good company at work! Then I made it to the airport, and I'm sitting here chilling --trying not to be too irritated by the 4yr old with the camera sending flashes in everyone's face. When what to my wandering eyes should appear but the Dalai Lama. Seriously. Entourage and all. How random is my life?!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Okay! So I did it! I created a blog! I cannot believe I did it. But, there is it. I linked you on my website. :)