Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ode to my Bed

So as I was sitting here bored last night I was thumbing through my mind to think of something I could ramble about on my blog. The thing is I have literally nothing new. The day is blissfully routine and mundane. I wake up, I go to work, I come home, shower, and go to bed. Or I wake up, lounge on the couch for an hour or so, shower and get ready and go play with friends, then come home and go to bed and do it all over again. There are always crazy patients at work, but the crazy has become mundane, and honestly unless you've worked in an ER for any length of time, you just won't get it. No offense. So as I was reviewing the fabulously monotonous parts of my day, it occurred to me. I should blog about my bed. I have an unhealthy relationship with my bed.

Seriously. I talk to my bed. Every day. I hug my bed, I miss my bed when I haven't seen it for a long time. You laugh now, but there is nothing like collapsing in to bed at the end of a long day, and exclaiming, "Hello bed! I've missed you!" When I have nothing to do for a while after I wake up I quite often don't get out of bed at all until the last possible moment. I just lay there enjoying my bed. It is SOOOOO comfy! The thought of maintaining a vertical position, sometimes just isn't with it! It's not this specific bed either. It's whatever bed they furnish my apartment with. There are just somethings you can't go cheap on, and bedding falls into this category. My sheets are the hotel collection from Macy's. I have a three-inch memory foam mattress topper, I have 6 pillows, only one of which I sleep on. It's Ralph Lauren Signature. Also from Macy's 5th floor home furnishings :) The only way to go. Apart from my sheets, I just have my comforter and stuffed sea turtle from Sea World on my bed. When I'm not in my bed, it is always made. When I'm in my bed, the three pillows on the side I don't sleep on remain standing up in place. The two from my side of the bed that I don't sleep on are placed lying down perpendicular to the others lengthwise. This ways I have plenty to snuggle with and cuddle up to at night. The final piece to complete my perfect bed is an open window. I like it to be cold in the room where I sleep so I can get all cuddly and warm in my satin jammies underneath all the covers surrounded by pillows. Hhhmmm. Just thinking about it is making me miss my bed! And I've only been out of it for a couple hours! My advice for you this week is to make your bed your own personal oasis --you won't regret it! And don't forget to let your bed know how much it is appreciated --it's rude to be ungrateful! Sweet dreams all! Mmm, bed!


Jenny said...

You're funny! I would love to have more pillows on our bed, but well...Jeff seems to think more than one pillow per person is a waste of precious sleeping space. But we both agree you can't skimp on the sheets.

jill said...

I heart bed, bed is my favorite!

Kimberly Nan said...

You just made me fall in love with my bed all over again. Thanks!

Kristy said...

I love this post. I think our twins love their little crib just as much as you love your bed. At night I swaddle them up, put their binki's in and then lay them on the memory foam pillows at which time they slowly roll their eyes back and close them for a restful night sleep. The other night Tate even sang a little diddy right before I layed him down. I know you will all get a long great when we come visit you!