Sunday, March 1, 2009

You don't own me!

Dear AmericanMobile:

Apparently I may not be so ready to stay in one spot permanently, says you. Apparently you don't "allow" the hospitals I work for to permanently hire me for at least 6 months after I have LEFT the hospital. They don't "allow" them?! Really? I am not a piece of property that you can tell what to do! I will work for who I want when I want, and you won't tell me any different. Apparently you don't know me very well after the past two years. You've got another thing coming if you think I'm going to put up with this! Thank you for your time.



Jenny said...

That sucks Toni! But I wouldn't mess with you either. Go get 'em.

BH said...

That is silly! Where is the logic behind that policy? You go girl!

the cole family said...

crappy - i hope you can stick it to 'em and STAY!