Sunday, September 1, 2013

Musings on a Toaster

My parents have had the same toaster their entire married life. Longer than I've been alive. It's been a constant. And it's still there. The timer might be broken and you might have to manually eject your carb-food source of choice, but I swear it still makes toast taste better than any other toaster. As I waited for my cinnamon bagel to be sufficiently browned this morning I had a sudden yearning for that toaster in my own life. Something that's a part of a home, part of a family, something with staying power. Something that in 30 years my children will come home and realize they've never seen my kitchen without. Something that while there are newer sleeker models out there isn't worth replacing because its just that sturdy. Well-built. Constant.

And two smaller thoughts...

At some point you realize that through all the perceived short-comings and failures in your life, all the time spent pondering where you thought your life would lead, the path you thought you'd take, you realize that you've built a life. Your own. And it's spectacular. And you can't have the life you were so sure you were destined for and the one you made. And you realize given the choice between the two, you'd pick the life you've made every time. And maybe that's a bit scary, but its also right. And maybe not knowing what's next is perfectly ok.

So now the question is, what do you do when you wake up one morning, consecutive mornings, and realize that everything you've aimed for and accomplished has led you to your dream job. You've made it, you have it, and you hate it. You wouldn't take any of it back, and each step was right at the time. But what now? It feels like a heroin addict perpetually chasing that initial high. You change all the pieces, the variables and you just can't get the same feeling as those first days walking out of the hospital on cloud nine, the perma-grin high. What do you do when you realize you hate the job the past thirteen years -longer really- of your life has been aimed at? For now, you smile, you fake it, and you buy new running shoes. #runhappy What's around the next corner?

Sigh. Dear Ethiopia, please get more consistent Internet... The current state of access to my dear friend is impeding my ability to whine and hash out my first world problems. So, ya know, when you get past the whole clean water, and basic health, safety and sustainability, if you could do wifi after that -that'd be great. I miss you Mercy!!


Scott and Heidi said...

Huh.... I am now in deep thought. For 2 reasons, but I will share the funny one. How did I not realize that mom and dad have had that toaster their WHOLE marriage?! What a trusty little toaster! ...and it does make some good toast!

Scott and Heidi said...

...and it's interesting how we search for the life we want to live, instead of enjoying the life that we have....

Jenny said...

So what is it that you hate? Do you hate being in Utah? Do you hate your employer? What? Trying to understand and so sorry you are struggling.

Anonymous said...

Girl, can you imagine now is when I am finally getting to see your blog! Where can I sign up for the 'Dear Ethiopia, Improve Your Internet...' petition to allow us to proceed to lean on each other for big and little problems and issues. I love you, T, just hang in there! Hating what you do sometimes is part of the process, realizing that this is always what you wanted to do reminds you that struggle brings eventual success...if that makes sense...Love you ma! Me and Dear Ethiopia