Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Little Things

As I'm ready to leave work for the night, I discharge my last patient; a 2 year old with step throat and a fever. Earlier in his visit we had tortured the poor kid by looking in his ears, gagging him with a strep culture, making his eyes water and nose burn with a flu swab, and finally by holding him down and plugging his nose to force him to swallow medicine to help him feel better. He was really on to something when he said "no" as soon as we walked in the room. And he broke my heart when he cried "please stop" during the flu swab. Through the power of a popsicle all was forgiven, and as he left, he turned around, said thank you, and blew me a kiss. And that my friends is why I love my job. Sweet blown kisses and thank-yous from cute kiddos who feel better -who clearly have stellar parents. I needed that reminder today. It really is the little things :)

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