So I saw this on My friend
Jill's blog. Apparently someone named Stacy Julian challenged people to dump the contents of their purses and take pictures and blog about it. I thought it was cute, but I didn't (don't) know who Stacy is, and quite frankly, I just couldn't see myself doing it. Then today I went to Target. It was payday and I had been needing a long list of routine items for a while. It was rainy today ...weird in Seattle, I know. But I jetted down the street to Target and got a front row parking spot the rain. Score! I ran in and got my cart full of items. I walked straight up to the check out counter. The only one without a line. Score! Again... Anyways... Unloaded my cart onto the counter, and reached in my purse to get my debit card.
This is the point that I remember that my wallet is sitting on the floor next to my bed where I had been paying some bills when I got home from work. My wallet containing my debit card, my checkbook, cash, change, and all my credit cards. Pretty much all my forms of currency. So I look at the lady with my mouth gaping open in shock and embarrassment and say "Oh, shi-oot." She paused before scanning my first item, and asked what was wrong. I told her what I did, and to my surprise she said that there was a place to keep all the items in my cart until I could come back. They have a place for that. People do this that often? I'm one of those people? Ugh. So she helped me put everything back in my cart and showed me where the 'carts-in-waiting' spot was. I drove the 5 minutes home, grabbed my wallet, placed it rightfully in my purse and went back. I collected my filled cart from the cart babysitting section. The worker in charge of the area said that she remembered which one was mine because of my cute purse that was on my shoulder. Great. My purse is cute. Super cute actually. If only I had remembered to put my wallet in it. So without further delay's what was in my purse today:

The only other thing that was in my purse was my camera. Not pictured for obvious reasons. We've got my super cute bag Easter present from my cute mommy, my sunglasses, my iPod (mostly used to avoid talking to people on airplanes), a bottle of eye re-wetting drops (again, used mostly to re-wet my contacts after long naps on airplanes), a pen from the hotel I stayed at last time I was in Vegas, a bottle of baby lotion I stole from work because my hands get so incredibly dry washing them 3,546 times a day, my Burt's Bees chapstick (the only kind I'll use), and varying flavors scents colors and sheens of lip gloss (because yes, Jill, girls lips do look better in pictures when they're shiny, and also, quite frankly, kissing is more fun with it ...and it makes you more memorable --the whole using all the senses thing...)

And this is everything (except camera again) that should have been in my purse today. My cute wallet included. My cute wallet carrying my debit card, Yankee mastercard, discovercard, VS Angel card, safeway card, duane reade card, my Black Book card, you're getting the point. A wide variety of cards and business cards and a bit 'o cash and change, and two tickets to the Allstar Minor League football game in Vegas that some running back gave me when I was in Vegas ...didn't end up going -clearly, since the tickets are still in my wallet. I also have a couple old Yankee tickets in my wallet, just for sentimentality :) And oh, my goodness, my cell phone!! My cell phone is at my side 24-7, so if I'm out and about I'd have that with me as well. That I would never leave by my bed.