Sunday, July 27, 2008

Six ...only 6?! Really?


1. Link the person who tagged you... Jenny
2. Post these rules.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.

6? Really only six? I'm sure you are all laughing trying to figure out how I narrowed down all of my OCD 'quirks' to just six, so without further delay, ahem:

1. Light switches. If the light is on, the light switch should be pointing up, or if it's the push kind the top half should be pushed in. I'm unbelievably obsessive about this. I go through the house (wherever I'm sleeping ...creepy, I know, but true) and check before I go to bed. This causes a problem at my parents house where the light in the dining room has three switches and it is not possible to have all three down when the light is off. I wanted to call and have an electrician fix it, but mom says there's no need. It bothers me even now when I 'm thinking about it here in Seattle. I'm unsettled knowing that 1,000 miles away in Logan UT there are light switches pointing the wrong direction.

2. French fries. There is a certain order that food should be eaten in. Like when you're out to dinner and have say, fries and a burger. The french fries always should be eaten first. See, when you get full, you can take the other food home and generally it's just fine reheated the next day. Reheated soggy day old french fries are never good. The same principle applies to other dishes. I always eat my veggies first if they're on the plate, then the potato or other form of carb, then the meat. Also along the same lines --my food is not allowed to touch each other. I have to have separate plates or just put one item on my plate at a time when eating things like big breakfasts with pancakes/waffles that have syrup on them, because I hate it when the syrup gets all over my eggs/bacon.

3. This one is perhaps too much information, but I'm just gonna throw it out there anyway. I don't like wearing clothes. I love shopping for them and I love getting all dressed up to go out --even if it's just to go shopping, but when I'm at home (this is only since I've lived by myself ...just for the record) I love to just be in my garments and bra (the girls are too big --they hurt if I'm not wearing one :) ) if it's a bit chilly in my apt I may put on a pair of capri cotton pj bottoms, or just cuddle up in a blanket, but for the most part it's just too much to be wearing more than the one layer. I also am going to have a hard time to adjusting to shutting the bathroom door when I'm in there, and not walking around naked when I get out of the shower if/when I live with other people again.

4. Organization. I couldn't separate these out. All things must be in order. My DVDs are alphabetized, my closet is arranged in the color order of the rainbow, and each color section goes in order of sleeve length. White is on the left and brown followed by black is on the right. Boxes and piles of anything (food, games, books, etc) are in order of size tallest/biggest on the left or bottom depending on what the group is. My fridge has the top shelf for beverages, the second shelf is breakfast products on the right, dairy on the left, fruits in the right crisper drawer, vegetables on the left. Bottom shelf is bread/sandwich making materials on left, jars that don't fit in the door on the right hand side. Also in this category is the dishwasher. There is a proper way to load the dishwasher to ensure optimal cleaning. I won't go in to details, because I could spend forever on #4, but let's just say I have re-loaded many a dishwasher in my day. Even ones that were not mine :)

5. ADHD. I have diagnosed myself with nursing-school induced ADHD. I have very little attention span and constantly have to be moving. Even if it's just tapping a finger or toe. Sitting in church for an hour at a time in each meeting is like torture and I actually keep toys and treats in my church bag to entertain myself. This in itself is not quirky ...many people are like this comes in handy in my profession. The thing is there are two activities that I can literally do for hours on end repeatedly all day without moving and being completely content. Movies and water. I can watch movie after movie curled up on the couch or while scrapbooking for days. The same does not apply for the movie theater. Those of you have been to movies with me can attest to this. I can't hold still and I have to be moving, even if it's just chewing on a straw. At home I'm fine --I think it has to do with the horizontal factor. And water. Any body of water. I could sit and watch water for days as well. The ocean, lake, river, sprinklers, I'm not picky. I'm not sure what it is, but there is something so serene and calming and fascinating about water. That and fire. I could sit around a fire (camp or candle) and do nothing but stare at it contentedly.

6. Air. Un-circulated air. I need fresh circulated air at all times. When I sleep I always have to have a door or window open. I hate the recirculate button on air conditioners in the car, because it doesn't let fresh air in and instead you just keep re-breathing the same air that you and all the other people in the car have sucked in and out of your infected germ covered respiratory tracts. Don't even get me started on airplanes. I can convince myself to not freak out if I keep the little vent blowing right on my face at all times, even though I know it's not fresh air, and I just have to force myself to not think about the fact that I'm breathing air that has been inside the body of the large stinky poorly groomed coughy sniffly drippy man across the aisle, and let's not even think about the air that comes out of people's colon's. You know in a plane full of hundreds of people, they are nearly all passing gas. There is no escape route for this air. You just keep breathing it in and out of your lungs. Ew. Along the same lines, I hate it when people breathe loudly. There is no need to make any sound while breathing unless you have a compromised airway, in which case, you should be be in your doctors office or emergency room not sitting in the movie theater/airplane/walking past me in the store. Breathing is a sound free activity. I can think of one exception, and in that case I imagine I would be making some noise while breathing as well, but I'll let you know when I figure that one out for sure ;)

OK, I tag Jill, Sarah, Kristin, Kristy, Jamie, and Mindy


Anonymous said...

How funny. I used to be the same way with light switches. In my parents house the only two-way switch had a switch upstairs and another downstairs, so sometimes I had to go all the way downstairs to realign the switches.

I totally disagree on eating fries first. You have to eat the fries last because it is easier to cram fries down your throat one-by-one rather than polishing off that big steak in the end. And it doesn't sound like you would have liked my Belgian waffle the other day piled high with eggs and bacon all covered in syrup. Who needs fruit on Belgian waffles?

#3 causes me grief because we have a window on the front door, and if the person who just rang the doorbell happens to peer inside, they are going to catch a glimpse of me scrambling to get some clothes. You should see the UPS man turn in shame!

Our closets are organized the exact same way except that black/darks should start on the left and end with white on the right. I gave up on refrigerator organization after being married, but it still bugs me when the jam isn't on the second shelf.

On airplanes I try to pass as much gas as possible so that at least a higher percentage of the contaminants in the air come from me.

The Porter's said...

OK, seriously I didn't know I had such an OCD family!

I totally agree on the eating fries first. I hate when you warm them up and they go all hard. I also hate when my food touches, especially jam on mashed potatoes.

I also agree on the clothing situation. I think the garments caused this.

The rest is surely OCD!

Mindy said...

Did you ever wonder why I slept with my door open, always?? It's because I hate non-circulated air too!!!!!! :) I will fill this out later on this week. I am kind of excited about it! :)

Jenny said...

You are too funny! You do have a good point about light switches though. I can't believe you lay around in your G's that crakes me up! I am much too chicken to do that and have to get dressed as soon as I get out of the shower. I guess you could say that's another quirk I forgot about.

Amy F. said...

Toni, I love you! You and I are kindred spirits for sure. I only WISH I had OCD so I could be so organized (sad, I know). I have this burning desire to be perfectly organized. I just love the feeling of everything in its place. However, in order to achieve this to my utmost satisfaction my house would have to be moved out of and moved back in. Hmmm, maybe that's not too bad of an idea. Yard sale anyone? And unfortunately, I am lazy by nature, therefore you have to have the drive (ADHD? ;) to get it all done! I'm jealous (friendly "wink", again).
My things are: my kitchen towels have to hang a certain way. My couch decor pillows have to have the zipper on the bottom, always (of course, right?)!
You're too cute!

sarahbrowniz said...

Ahem. You, my friend, are amazing. For a bunch of reasons, but those listed previously are definitely among my favorites. Clink to all of our quirky-isms.